A Poem

A Poem

I wrote this poem in the dark early morning hours one winter morning in 2023 while still in bed in the back house apartment that I rented in Lubbock. One of the few things I loved about that little back house was the near-daily morning alarm of Northern Cardinals and how it echoed so loudly beneath the mulberry tree and into my old, cracked, single-pane bedroom windows.

I wake to a cardinal singing
from the mulberry tree
in my backyard.
Her song echoes loudly beneath
the canopy of naked branches.

She sings as though she knows 
the leaves will unfurl and 
the blossoms will open,
as if she knows that soon the 
days of new life will come
and others will join in her 
chorus of hope.

How does she know spring
will come? 

Her sharp voice breaks 
the silence of the cold night,
as if she knows the seasons 
will continue to turn and this
too shall pass. 

We too shall pass. 

Nevertheless she sings,
and soon when others join her, 
the trees will have no choice 
but to unfurl their leaves.
The blossoms will have no 
other desire but to open.

Perhaps spring will only come
if we sing.

Take good care, friends.


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