About Me
Born and raised in the southeast corner of the Missouri River Basin, in the forested Loess Hills of Northwest Missouri, I spent most of my childhood outside. My love for the mountains developed from a family trip to Colorado in the summer of 1990. Since then I've spent countless hours in mountain wilderness in a wide range of terrain and weather conditions. On most occasions you’ll find my beloved dogs at my side. I enjoy guiding others in their first deep wilderness experiences and sharing, through images and words, the beauty and peace of wild places with those who are unable to experience it firsthand.
Artist's Statement
My life, for as long as I can remember, has been deeply rooted in the outdoors. I owe this to my father, who for much of my young life was active in conservation efforts in the state of Missouri. Because of him, I had a very strong understanding of the interconnectedness of the more-than-human world long before I knew the buzzwords that others were using to talk about it in books and poems and academic research. The first time I read a deep ecology essay by Gary Snyder was like returning home but with different words to describe it. Since my childhood, wilderness areas have continued to provide me with the most spiritually, emotionally, and physically significant experiences of my life. Now inching ever closer to half a century on this earth, I’m just beginning to truly grasp the role my upbringing and connection to nature played in developing my creativity and resilience. Without the wild places of my youth, I would never have dared to imagine, to grow, to persist, or to love quite so deeply. While all of this exists beyond my identity as a photographer, I have found solace and sustenance in making this my work. My photographs are an expression of my gratitude for these places and experiences, and an urgent plea to others to take responsibility in honoring and protecting wilderness and its inhabitants.